Looking to both the other horoscopes I am sure that your foreign yoga starts from. April 2013 but there are delay in all aspects I. The horoscope of diyeshbhai. I see struggles in foign visit. Due to the placement. of rhu. If you follow some formalities to speak Some mantras. Etc. Than you will have strong possibilities in march otherwise in October 2013. Your dauters horoscope is extraordinary.
Guest Book
Date: 25/07/2013
By: astro bharadwaj
Subject: Re: Re: About Australia
Sorry period already started but due to rahu thee is delay in divyeshbhai,s horoscope. There is possibility to go to Australia ia in October 2014 but corrective measures taken than in march 2014.
Date: 25/07/2013
By: astro bharadwaj
Subject: Re: Re: About Australia
Sorry period already started but due to rahu thee is delay in divyeshbhai,s horoscope. There is possibility to go to Australia ia in October 2014 but corrective measures taken than in march 2014.
Date: 25/07/2013
By: astro bharadwaj
Subject: Re: About Australia
Beta you can call me on 7600037056. In the late evening for queries
Date: 20/07/2013
By: Surendra N Pandya
Subject: foreign yoga
borned in mula naxatra and janma rashi is dhanu - Kalasarpayoga is there in the horoscope because all stars are posited between Rahu and Ketu so you will have frequent problems and delay in your important work - You will have the foreign yoga in the year 2014 between October to February 2015. Thank you -
Date: 20/07/2013
By: Falguni
Subject: Re: foreign yoga
Thanks Uncle
My Husband name is Divyesh Kiritkumar Rajput
His date, Place and Time is
09:45 P.M
My Daughter's Details are
09:07 A.M
So when we wl go to Australia???
And right now my husband is preparing for IELTS ( Exam for going abroad) so i just want toask that he will get success or not????
Thanking You
Date: 20/07/2013
By: Falguni
Subject: Re: Re: foreign yoga
And uncle... My husband wl be appeared in exam in September -13 so wl he get his success or not (He required 7 Bands out of 9 in each level)
Thanking You
Date: 20/07/2013
By: Surendra N Pandya
Subject: rajyoga
you are borned on saptami - with janma lagna karka. You have surya-budh in the first house - Please note that the persons having surya-budha in the same house shows RAJYOGA. You have both the grahas in the first house shows that "You have rajyoga" The native borned in the rajyoga are successful in their life. Thank you.
Date: 20/07/2013
By: dipen dixit
Subject: about rajyog
Birth date: 20/07/1984
Birth place : palitana
Birth time : 7:15
I want to know if i have 'rajyog' in my horoscope or not!?
Date: 20/07/2013
By: Surendra N Pandya
Subject: Re: about rajyog
I will have to study the horoscope - I will reply tomorrow before 4.00 p.m.